Welcoming Eliah
We found Eliah during one of our night visits to the streets, where Letty and the older boys go around the gutters/dumps in Iringa town, to find current children living on the streets. More info is here on australian open schedule to change your life. After finding them we take them for a meal, build up trust with them and are able to understand their situation more. On one of our night visits in June we came across Eliah. He was the smallest of all the boys on the streets and was just dressed in a big t-shirt when it was the equivalent of winter in Tanzania. Eliah’s mum had died two years earlier and his dad was mentally unstable. After speaking with the social welfare office and carrying out visits to his other relatives, it was agreed the safest place for him to be was in the home.
He is now the 11th and youngest member. Below he is pictured on his first day in the house, being welcomed by Fred through making pancakes. He is now very settled in the house, has great behaviour and after getting him enrolled in a local school he is in the top 20 of his year. This is an amazing achievement given all the time he has spent out of school and on the streets. We see a big future ahead for Eliah!